Evan Miller

Current happenings:

-As of February this year, I’ve taken on the role of Music Department Coordinator and host of the daily music show Excursions at WYSO Public Radio in Yellow Springs, OH. (The unexpected twists and turns of a life in music!). I’m excited about this new road in my career, and happy to have the opportunity to share all kinds of music with all kinds of people!

-In other radio news, this October will be the two year anniversary of my weekly experimental music show The Outside at WYSO, and by the end of this year I’ll have hit 100 new episodes!

-Slowly making my way back into music making since the mostly-silence of the pandemic, my band Help has new music brewing, and I stepped back on stage for the first time in almost 18 months recently, playing drums for a new(ish) band in Dayton called Gran Gran.

-In outré music news, the pandemic presented setbacks to the ongoing work on the first Neutrals chamber music album, which we expect to resume progress on in the very near future. Stay tuned as well for future news on an evening-length composition from our frequent collaborator and good friend Rob Funkhouser.

-New Village Tapes continues onward, with releases incoming this year from James McKain/Leo Suarez, Wombat, and Zach Rowden.